Η Modus & Amplio ανακοινώνει το άνοιγμα συνεργαζόμενων ξενοδοχείων.
MODUS & AMPLIO announces the opening of its collaborating hotels.
Συνέντευξη – Τάκης Παπασπύρου: Hospitality is Unlimited with Modus & Amplio.
Our aim is to become a leading hospitality Consulting and Management company in Greece, a company that attracts valuable investors, loyal guests, dedicated and passionate people
Modus & Amplio, νέο brand και νέες συνεργασίες.
Modus & Amplio’s differentiation lies in its philosophy, as it is expressed by its name: modus & amplio – method & development.sure, then you should consider implementing a mystery shopper program.
Greek Travel Pages – Modus & Amplio
Modus & Amplio specializes in providing high level services in Greek hospitality industry and international tourism companies
Modus & Amplio: Διαχείριση, ανάπτυξη στρατηγικής και βελτίωση της λειτουργίας ξενοδοχειακών μονάδων.
Modus & Amplio: Hotel management, strategy & operations.
Ο Τάκης Παπασπύρου που έφερε τη Rezidor Group και τα Radisson Blu στην Ελλάδα, αποκαλύπτει…
Interview with Takis Papaspyrou, the businessman who brought Rezidor Group and Radisson Blu to Greece.