Feasibility Study

Modus & Amplio  is conducting feasibility studies with financial projections for any proposed project development.

The proposed projects will have all the amenities commensurate with the type of development desired. The Feasibility Study includes a variety of work steps which enables us to evaluate historic trends and project the future competitive supply and market demand in the area.

 The basic objectives of the feasibility study are to:

  • Evaluate the market potential for the proposed investment, based on an analysis of the market support for a lodging facility on the subject site.
  • Comment on the appropriate numbers types, and sizes of guest rooms and other amenities which would best serve the needs of the market.
  • Project levels of market penetration, occupancy, and average room rate for the proposed hotel for the first five years of operations.
  • Prepare detailed projections of cash flow from operations before fixed charges for the hotel for the first five years of operations.
  • Provide a written report containing the conclusions of the Feasibility Study and present Financial Projections for the proposed hotel